What was the first movie or TV show that featured a villain that happened to be a normal person?


I was watching One Hour Photo, and was wondering what was the first movie or TV show that featured a character that was a villain that happened to be a normal person.

By 'normal', I mean normal in the sense that they could be like any average person (not crazy or a lunatic in their ideals), someone who may have just gotten the wrong facts about something to make them do the wrong thing, even though they may think from their point of view they are doing the right thing.

This can include characters that are situationally bad while still inherently good (they don't need to be fully bad).

Note: I hope this question isn't too open to interpretation because of what is considered good or bad, though this is confined to the movie or TV show that they appear in and not general modern ethics. If it is indeed the case please let me know so that I can delete it (if not closed earlier).


L'Arroseur Arrosé (1895)

This is the first film ever made. It was shown to a select audience on June 10, 1895.

The plot is simple:

the film portrays a simple practical joke in which a gardener is tormented by a boy who steps on the hose that the gardener is using to water his plants, cutting off the water flow. When the gardener tilts the nozzle up to inspect it, the boy releases the hose, causing the water to spray him. The gardener is stunned and his hat is knocked off, but he soon catches on. A chase ensues... -- Wiki

It seems to fit the bill:

  • The boy is the film's villain.
  • The boy is "a normal person," who simply takes delight in tormenting others. (I suspect he's only "situationally" bad.)

Answered By - Tom

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