What's the deal with the music for the Barbarian movie?


I found a YouTube video that has the creepy background music in the movie Barbarian. There is no doubt that is the music used in the movie - in fact, most of the comments on the video mention that it is the music in Barbarian. According to YouTube, the song is titled "Necro" and was done by an artist named "A001" in 2016.

Then I found an article that discusses the music in Barbarian (and other 2022 horror movies), and it claims that the music was done by composer Anna Drubich, who had "just 21 days to write" the music.

Then I found another YouTube video that features some of Anna Drubich's Barbarian music, and it sounds exactly like A001's "Necro" song.

I can only see 2 possibilities:

  1. Anna Drubich wrote the "Necro" song 6 years ago and released it under the alias "A001". But then why would the article say she only had 21 days to write it?
  2. Anna Drubich ripped off A001's song.

Is there any other explanation I'm missing?


I just found an interview with Barbarian director Zach Cregger where the interviewer also confused A001's "Necro" with the movie's score. But Cregger confirmed that the score, written by Anna Drubich, is not the same as A001's "Necro":

Cregger: I hired this woman, Anna Drubich, with three weeks to finish the movie. She came on very late in the process, and I basically needed her to pull a miracle out. And as far as I’m concerned, she did. To score an entire feature in three weeks’ time is unheard of.

Interviewer: Yeah, I loved the score, there were notes of ’80s synthwave at times...

Cregger: The song that you are referring to is actually a needle drop. It’s a song called “Necro”. I found it on Spotify by this British woman named A001, and I wrote the movie listening to that track a lot. Yeah, so when she walks down that dark hallway, and it’s just that BOOM...BOOM...BOOM, that pulsing synth, that’s a track, that’s not actually part of our score, but it works great.

The only thing I have found that indicates what the score actually sounds like is an article that claims "Anna Drubich’s score opens Barbarian". If that is true, then you can hear about 40 seconds of the score starting at 1:11 in this Barbarian Extended Preview video.

Answered By - pacoverflow

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