Did Nacho have sincere hatred for Lalo or was he dissembling?


It never seemed like Nacho's hatred in Better Call Saul, as expressed in his final scene for Lalo, was very well motivated -- sure, Lalo is a Salamanca and an extremely bad guy, but frankly, Nacho except for his loyalty to his father and his distaste for involving "civilians" (at least killing them), was also pretty much a bad guy who sold drugs and associated with Tuco, which had to have meant he was involved in some terrible stuff, etc.

I do not think Lalo threatened Nacho's dad directly -- Hector did and Nacho sure did hate Hector and probably hated Fring -- actually, no probably about it. But why specifically Lalo?

Was Nacho trying to mislead the Salamancas and Bolsa by expressing false hatred, to try to shift suspicion from Fring, which was basically all he could hope for: Make Fring grateful enough to protect Nacho's dad after he was gone, which Mike would have helped to enforce.


Nacho hated Lalo because he perpetuated the wedge that the Salamancas placed between him and his father.

Yes, Nacho's hatred of the Salamancas is partly rooted in the physical threat they pose to his father, but running even deeper is the wedge that their business has put between Nacho and his dad. Yes, Nacho hates them because he knows they would kill his dad for his principled rejection of their illegal activity, but when Don Hector went down, that seemed to be the end of their plans to use his shop to transfer drugs. The plan is never mentioned again after Hector's stroke, and Lalo never brings it up. What does continue is the fact that Nacho's dad is disappointed and alienated from him and refuses to fully be a part of Nacho's life while he is tied to the cartel.

Enter Lalo, who represents the Salamanca's continued hold over Nacho. You don't just walk away from the cartel, but with Don Hector disabled and Tuco in jail, Nacho had a real opportunity to break away and win back his father's approval. Instead, Lalo shows up as the symbol of the Salamanca's renewed and reinvigorated presence. Lalo is the continued yoke around Nacho's own neck, holding him in this job that has caused him to be alienated from the person he loves most in the world. That's why Nacho hates Lalo.

Answered By - ruffdove

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