Why did the electric bike flip in "Nope"?


Why did the electric bike flip when its power got cut off by the alien in Nope (2022)? Wouldn't its wheels continue spinning as it loses speed until it comes to a stop?


Electric vehicles do not freewheel like a petrol vehicle when the power is disconnected.

The wheels continue to rotate but now they turn the motors, generating electricity to feed back into the battery. This removes the kinetic energy from the wheels and the vehicle, thus producing very effective braking. This regenerative braking is harnessed in most cases to extend the range of the vehicle.

In the same way that an electric vehicle can easily do 0-60 in 2 secinds, it can stop 60-0 in about 1 second.

Thiz also explains why many electric cars don't have a brake pedal. Just lift off the accelerator and you stop.

A sudden and violent stop on an electric bike could easily cause it to flip over.

Answered By - Chenmunka

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