What is the image of at the beginning of Better Call Saul's next-to-last episode?


In the opening credits of the final episodes of Better Call Saul's final season, the usual title and grainy images of ash trays and foot massagers and matchbooks in urinals are increasingly interrupted by what appears to be the wearing out of the VHS tape that they are apparently recorded on.

In the next to last episode (S6 E12, "Waterworks"), this interference suddenly flashes to what appears to be the image of a person standing outdoors somewhere.

It is much too fast and unclear for me to make out.

Was anyone able to pause it just right and see what it is? Have the show's creators talked about what it was?


It’s a shot of Kim standing at the airport when she returns to Albuquerque, New Mexico later on in the same episode.

enter image description here

Screenshot comes from this YouTube video of the opening of Better Call Saul season 6, episode 12.

Answered By - Giacomo1968

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