Why does Mike replace Jimmy and Kim's fridge?


In Better Call Saul, season 6, ep 8, Point and Shoot

After Lalo is shot dead by Gus,

Mike sends Kim home and replaces their fridge with a new one. Why does Mike do this?


Because they disposed of Howard's body by taking it away in the old refrigerator.

Back at Jimmy and Kim’s apartment, Jimmy sits on his bed as one of Mike’s men begins clearing out his fridge. Howard’s body is now covered with a blanket and he looks on in quiet resignation to the situation unfolding. When Kim enters the apartment, they share an emotional hug as Mike walks in with a few more men wielding a new refrigerator.

Just as he goes to exit their bedroom, Mike opens the door enough for Jimmy to see men loading Howard’s body into their existing fridge

Answered By - Paulie_D

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