How did Doctor Strange know where Wanda was?


Towards the end of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,

after dreamwalking into ponytail Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange uses the slingy to make a portal, and we can see from the portal that there's an icy mountain.

enter image description here

Then in the next shot, we see that he's heading towards

Mount Wundagore

However, at this point in the story, he shouldn't know that

Sara destroyed the Darkhold and that Wong took Wanda to Mount Wundagore

as he's been with America the entire time, and hasn't gone back to his own world. The last time he saw Wanda, she was at

Kamar Taj

How did he know where she was?


Strange peers into the multiverse first to find America, he doesn't seem to be looking for his universe but rather the one where America is at that time. Presumably when doing this he also pinpoints where she is in that universe as well. He does see her in it after all.

dr strange surrounded by various glowing red orbs, looking for one with America Chavez inside

Answered By - TheLethalCarrot

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