Why did Friendly Orderly not remove the implant himself?


In Chapter Seven of Stranger Things 4, the Friendly Orderly character shows Eleven a small implanted device in his neck, just under the skin. El rips the item out with her telekinesis. Since this was such simple surgery, why didn't Friendly Orderly do it himself with a knife or another instrument? It would be painful, but not any more so than what El did. And as we see later in the episode, it was extremely important to him to have it out.


The only somewhat plausible explanation would be that it was very important to him to win over Eleven as an ally. He kept back and made it look like he was relying on her. Her removing the device started to look like a stepping stone in them bonding.

I'll concede that still leaves a window where the Friendly Orderly should have been able and motivated to remove the device. So far we can only speculate. Maybe he was formerly far more heavily restrained and the device and his working as Orderly only came when Eleven was already there, at which point he decided that he wanted here as an ally.

Edit: TV Tropes has two relevant theories: Either the Friendly Orderly is Eleven's father. Then he would have waited long enough for her to be somewhat self-sufficient to take her with him (but could have left a few years earlier). The other is that he is grooming her to have children with her (but then why not wait a little longer?).

Answered By - Jann Poppinga

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