What were the criteria used in the MCU to determine who\what could be snapped?


Within the MCU, has it ever been canonically confirmed by sources inside the universe, or supplementary material in the real world (For example, guide books or interviews with the directors) what criteria were used to determine if something could\could not be snapped?

For example, was it limited to intelligent creatures and if so what was the bar for intelligence?

Could artificial lifeforms such as Vision be snapped, or wholly robotic ones such as Ultron or the LMD from Agent's of shield?


Basically, all "animal" life.

From this answer over on SF&F

According to Marvel producer Kevin Feige Thanos' 'finger snap' resulted in the destruction of half of all life in the universe, not just higher beings.

Q. Are half the animals dead? Are half of the horses gone? Half of the ants?

Feige: Yes! Yes. All life.

Kevin Feige Still Won’t Tell Us All Marvel’s Future Plans

Answered By - Paulie_D

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