Inconsistency between vampires age and their power


Throughout the show, it's being said numerous times that the older a vampire is, the stronger they get. And especially Godric, who is said to be the strongest vampire that exists.

However, Godric himself says:

It won't take long, at my age

Referring to how long it will take the sun to burn him. This contradicts the fact about being stronger, as it would be expected a strong vampire will take longer to be destroyed.

How can this inconsistency be explained, if at all?


It is a known fact about vampires in the author's world.

It was never explained, in detail, in either the books upon which the series is based, or the series itself.

As vampires age, among other things, they grow more supernaturally stronger, physically. Yet they are also affected by UV radiation to a larger extent. It's one of the (many) rules of that universe and is not explained.

I would say it's not an inconsistency, but rather is treated as a consistent rule. The older a vampire is, the quicker the UV radiation burns them and they die. Throughout the written novels, this is true, as it is in the television series. It is a rule and is consistent in it's application.

An inconsistency would be if a young vampire burned quickly or an older one didn't. Then that would need an explanation.

Answered By - CGCampbell

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