How come Ramsay didn't notice the Knights of the Vale arriving?


In Game of Thrones season 6 Ramsay was about to destroy Jon Snow and his whole army, when the Knights of the Vale suddenly appeared, and reversed the tide.

The key point was the element of surprise: if Ramsay would have known a big enemy army arrives, he would have stayed inside Winterfell and his downfall would have been prevented.

The Knights of the Vale are not exactly commando; They have many horses, they make lots of noise; They can't really hide their movement.

So how come it was a surprise attack?


The Knights came around the bend, over the crest of a hill, so, no, they wouldn't necessarily be easily seen from Winterfell, itself (just like with the supposed "plot hole" of Euron's fleet not being seen when they take out the dragon, when they're surrounded by physical geography until they come out).

If you have scouts out there, where they can see the army, hours AFTER the pitched battle starts, how do they get back through that carnage to warn Ramsey? Keep in mind, also, that Ramsey was having his archers indiscriminately fire into all the combatants on the field. Scouts trying to make their way back to Winterfell, earlier in the battle, to report in could have been caught in that maelstrom of arrows.

The noise of horses on the battlefield is pretty thunderous. I have a little harder time believing that would be concealed, though, if they weren't charging until they got close enough to the battle, I could conceive of that being obscured by the sounds of the pitched battle.

Answered By - PoloHoleSet

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