Why didn't Balian ask for terms with Saladin before the siege of Jerusalem in Kingdom of Heaven?


In Ridley Scott's 2005 film Kingdom of Heaven, only after the bloody 3 day siege of Jerusalem ends in stalemate do Balian and Saladin agree to terms allowing the inhabitants of the city to peacefully evacuate.

Was it explained in the film why Balian didn't simply ask for terms with Saladin before the expected siege began and thus avoid pointless loss of life? If Saladin was agreeable to terms after losing thousands of men at the walls, wouldn't he have been even more favorable to allowing the defenders to leave the city without bloodshed?

Historically, Saladin did seek a peaceful turn over of Jerusalem and offered generous terms but the defenders refused. I don't recall seeing this made explicit in the film, perhaps I missed it.


I don't know what happened historically, but in the movie there are several aspects which tell us why Balian didn't ask for terms before fighting.

  1. Saladin had already agreed to peaceful terms when Baldwin was the king. Saladin had come to invade Jerusalem initially because of the beheadings of Muslim caravan.

  2. Later, Guy de Lusignan beheads Saladin's sister. It should be obvious that any one would be angry when they lose their dear ones to the enemy, especially after peaceful terms were sought.

  3. Balian knew that Saladin would not agree to peaceful terms because more than half of the Christian force was dead and it would be a cakewalk for Saladin's army to gain Jerusalem.

  4. Following the words of his father, Balian first serves the King of Jerusalem, Baldwin, and when after Baldwin's death Balian then serves the people of Jerusalem. So, for their safety, he decides to defend the walls so that Saladin is forced for more peaceful terms which are more safe for the people.

  5. In the movie they have shown that at Saladin's camp, his chancellor Imad ad-Din asks Saladin for mercy and to leave the city, but Saladin refuses because of the anger of his sister's beheading and comments passed by his brother.

Answered By - ajaygopal07

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